Litmus Edge Improves OT Data Quality with Meta Data

Announcing Meta Data for Industrial Devices and PLC Registers

Industrial DataOps
Product Feature
Litmus Edge improves OT data quality with Meta Data
Litmus Edge improves OT data quality with Meta Data

Litmus Edge users can add valuable meta data to their device data for more context. Meta Data is an optional parameter available to users when they add a new device to the Device Hub. The meta data can be added in key-value data pairs.

Meta data can be used to simplify search, use, and reuse operations of the device across various data instances. By default, the list of meta tags is empty. Users have the flexibility to add any meta data that is meaningful to their data set or use case.

Learn more about how to use the Meta Data parameter.

Visit our Litmus Edge documentation portal for more information

Book a demo or get started for free today.

Suranjeeta Choudhury Profile Picture

Suranjeeta Choudhury

Director Product Marketing and Industry Relations

Suranjeeta Choudhury heads Product Marketing and Analysts Relations at Litmus.

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