Tool Manufacturer Removes Digital Transformation Roadblocks​

Industry leader in worksite products and solutions with a focus on consumer power tools (drills, saws, etc.).​


Precision ManufacturingElectronics Manufacturing


Multi-region; 23 plants

cloud platforms

AzureVMs onsite
Tool Manufacturing Image

The customer unlocked the data trapped in specialized non-PLC machines, centralized data collection, and normalized it for advanced analytics in the cloud. This provided them with insights previously unavailable. The customer combined process, maintenance, and quality data for innovations in product design and productions alike.

  • Connect and collect data from

    non-PLC and other specialized

    machinery for cloud-

    based advanced analytics.

Outcomes + Benefits​
  • Unified data collection and normalized it for a specialized OT environment with non-

    PLC machines.

  • Enabled product design and innovation by combining IT/OT data for cloud analytics

    at enterprise scale.

  • Litmus Edge running on Virtual machines on site and Litmus Edge Manager in data center,

    cloud integration to Azure.

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